Certificate Issuance, Invalidation and Usage Policy
Certificate Issuance and Usage Policy
Issuing Authority
Food Handler Solutions, LLC issues certificates in a manner that informs certificate holders and stakeholders on the proper use and interpretation of the certificates issued. Food Handler Solutions, LLC develops all criteria for certificate issuance and is the sole authority for issuance of all Food Handler Solutions, LLC certificates (Food Handler Solutions, LLC does not outsource this decision). Only Food Handler Solutions LLC has the authority to issue Food Handler Certificate Program certificates.
Certificates are issued after all requisites, course participation and passing score on the exam, are fulfilled by the learner and verified by Food Handler Solutions, LLC. Food Handler Solutions, LLC uses only the information gathered during the certificate program process as a basis for the decision to issue the certificate.
Food Handler Solutions, LLC certificates are only issued to individuals and are non-transferrable.
Certificate Details
Food Handler Solutions, LLC certificates are signed by the CEO and include:
- Name of the certificate holder
- Unique identifier – This will be a unique ID # assigned to each issued certificate.
- Title and scope of the certificate program
- Food Handler Solutions, LLC name and seal
- Certificate issue date – This is defined as the date the examination has been graded.
- Term of validity will be three years from the Certificate issue date
Invalidating a certificate
Food Handler Solutions, LLC certificates are invalidated for the following reasons. The CEO shall notify certificate holders and their employers, in writing, if a previously issued certificate is invalidated:
- Determination is made that a certificate holder did not participate in the required course and post-assessment.
- Determination is made that a certificate holder received the certificate by administrative or technical error.
- Determination of improper use of identification presented.
- Determination that cheating took place.
- Determination that false information was presented.
- Determination is made that a certificate holder did not attain a 75% or higher score on the after course exam .
Food Handler Solutions, LLC does not grant any specific designations or acronyms to certificate holders.
The term of validity for the certificate is three years from the certificate issue date. This term provides the program with the opportunity to respond to changes in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Model Food Code, which historically occurs every three to five years. This 3-year term is generally observed within the food handler industry.
This term does not supersede any state or local regulatory agency requirements. Some jurisdictions may require more frequent certificate renewal or retake. It is recommended that all certificate holders confirm with their local regulatory agency and employer regarding their specific certificate renewal or retake requirements.
To achieve a certificate with a new expiration date, food handlers need to complete the requirements of this course.
Any questions regarding the Food Handler Solutions, LLC Certificate Issuance and Usage Policy or any other procedure or policy related issues can be forwarded to: support@FoodHandlerSolutions.com.
Obtaining Certificates
If an attendee meets the requirements of the program, he or she can print the certificate by logging into www.FoodHandlerSolutions.com and using their unique user ID and password. If the attendee met the requirements and took a printed exam, certificates will be sent in secured .pdf format directly to the email address submitted on the attendee’s exam answer sheet.
Certificates may not be modified or changed in any way without the express written permission of Food Handler Solutions LLC.
Those awarded a certificate and instructors may not imply that they are “certified,” “certificated,” “licensed,” “registered,” or “accredited” by Food Handler Solutions LLC. Those awarded a certificate can refer to their certificate as a “Food Handler Solutions LLC - Food Handler Program Certificate” or “Food Handler Program Certificate.”
Certificate-holders can also say that they are “Food Handler Solutions LLC Food Handler Certificate Program Recipients” and this certificate can be used to provide documentation that the holder has completed and passed an approved food handle certificate program.
Certificate questions can be submitted via email to certificate@FoodHandlerSolutions.com.
Certificates can be verified by employers, attendees, and jurisdictions by contacting Food Handler Solutions LLC at www.FoodHandlerSolutions.com or by calling our Customer Care line at 1-888-455-6411 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM PST. Written requests for verification or documentation is provided, when appropriate, by Food Handler Solutions, LLC within 30 business days.
Lost or Destroyed Certificates
If an attendee needs another copy of their certificate, it can be obtained by contacting Food Handler Solutions LLC at www.FoodHandlerSolutions.com or by calling our Customer Care line at 1-888-455-6411 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM PST.
Food Handler Solutions LLC Food Handler Certificate Program Certificates expire three years after the date the exam was successfully passed. Attendees should check with local jurisdictions and their employer to confirm their policies for certificate renewal.
Be sure to follow the renewal requirements provided by your local jurisdiction or company. To achieve a certificate with a new expiration, food handlers need to complete the requirements of this course.
Improper Use or Reference to the Certificate
Food Handler Solutions, LLC certificate holders, as a result of being issued a Food Handler Solutions, LLC certificate, are not in any way certified, licensed, accredited, or registered to engage in a specific occupation or profession.
Individuals receiving a Food Handler Solutions LLC Food Handler Certificate Program have successfully completed Food Handler Course and have basic knowledge of the topics covered in the course.
Please report any concerns regarding the inappropriate use of or improper references to the Food Handler Certificate Program certificate by contacting security@FoodHandlerSolutions.com by calling our Customer Care line at 1-888-455-6411 from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM PST.
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